Wednesday, November 14, 2007

#23 I made it!

Can't quite believe that I've managed to fit all this in and make it to 23! It has been worthwhile to become familiar with all the amazing array of programs and applications that are out there, however I did feel that I was racing most of the time to fit it all in and that I have only skimmed across the surface of many of the programs that are out there. There is no way I would have completed the exercises if I had done it all in work time, work commitments plus program time simply don't add up. This needs to be factored in into any future similar programs, as people who don't have access to the internet at home, and there are still some who don't, are at a distinct disadvatage in this regard. I also often found it easier to concentrate at home ( no interuputions) than at work. Some of the instructions for how to complete the excersises were a bit hard to follow at times and I know that you're all really busy trying to keep up with all we've completed, however it would be helpful for future programs if the instructions could be looked at to make sure they are logical and easy to follow before the program commences.

I will make time to go back and look at some of the programs I didn't have time to play with enough as there are some like bloglines and delicious which I think will make my virtual life easier. Ebooks, podcasts, a youth services wiki and a blog where kids and adults can talk about books they've read and enjoyed are all things which I think could enhance our library service.

I reiterate what I said in an earlier post that Libraries have to be very careful that they are using technology because it will enhance our services and be useful for our customers not because it's wizz bang and hey aren't we better than everyone else because we have this. We do need to and are reaching out to users who don't want or need to come to a physical building and many of the tools we have looked at in web 2.0 are things which will attract these users. We still need to have programs which are physical not virtual.

There must be a balance between what new services we want to provide and what current services we continue to offer. Continually adding without reassessing the time commitment leads to staff who are stressed and skimming across the top of the information they are trying to absorb without really taking it all in. As we value customers so we also need to value staff and makes sure they have the time to provide the best service for the community. In conclusion thank you and I hope there's still a job out there in the future for a physical not just a virtual librarian!


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